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California Physicians Only
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SFMMS PAC is a voluntary political organization that contributes to candidates for local and state office who share our philosophy and vision of the future of medicine. SFMMS will not favor or disadvantage any member based on PAC contributions, nor will it affect your membership status with the SFMMS. Contributions to PACs are voluntary and not limited to the suggested amounts.

The SFMMS PAC is distinct from the California Medical Association's CalPAC, which collects funds for contribution to candidates for state office.

SFMMS is the only organization in San Francisco and Marin counties that serves physicians from every mode of practice and specialty. As a member of the SFMMS, you understand the importance of working with our local and state representatives to serve the needs of physicians and patients, and to ensure our profession and the public are protected from the many threats and challenges that we face.

Your involvement makes a huge difference in helping us to increase the medical community's clout at the state and local levels. We count on each one of you for support, and that of your colleagues to get our message out. We ask you to give generously.

Thank you for your donation!

Contributions are not deductible for state or federal income tax purposes.

Contributions made in error may be refunded within thirty (30) days by contacting SFMMS at (415) 561-0850 or info@sfmms.org.

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